Catherine Hood Consulting

Welcome to the third quarter 2012 newsletter from Catherine Hood Consulting.

New Office Space

We have finally moved into the new office space in Murfreesboro, TN. The new phones are installed and new high speed internet connections are in place. We did spend most of the spring and summer in temporary space. It was a very difficult transition, but we're happy how everything worked out in the long run. We appreciate everyone's patience.

Course Updates

We continue to update our courses, but we are behind in updating our web courses. However, with the more reliable web and telephone service, we are looking into way to teach courses through web-conferencing.


I know we've said this before, but the Census Bureau is very close to release for X-13ARIMA-SEATS. ARIMA-model-based adjustments from the SEATS procedure have the potential to help very noisy series. Adjustments from the SEATS procedure will still need to be tested, but I'm looking forward to having the chance to continue this work with a release-version of the program.


Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please email "info" at with your ideas.

Page design by David Joyce at Exit 42 Design
Web content by Catherine Hood Consulting, Copyright 2006-2012